Chuck Staben: Providing access to education for all

Former president of the University of Idaho

"I don’t think any of us have seen anything like this before, without a doubt this year with the pandemic, has been the most disruptive year for education."

Chuck Staben is the former president of the University of Idaho. Attending public universities, he earned his PhD at the University of California-Berkeley in biochemistry. He spent the next 19 years as a professor, department chair, associate vice president for research, and acting head of the Research Office at the University of Kentucky. Chuck later served as a Provost at the University of South Dakota for five years, before his most recent tenure as president of the University of Idaho. In this episode, Chuck describes some of the barriers preventing people from accessing higher education, including moving away from home and a lack of finance and planning for the future; argues non-revenue sports are a good investment for the state and that more dollars should be spent on athletics and attracting student athletes, and explains why “it’s graduating from college that makes the difference” to a student’s future and the economy.


December 22 2020

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