Mike Nietzel: The current lack of confidence in the value of higher education

Former president of Missouri State University

“Getting students in College is the first step, but having them persist until they earn a credential is even more important now - we lose too many people along the way!”

Mike Nietzel is the former president of Missouri State University. Starting out at the University of Kentucky, as director of the Clinical Psychology Program he then moved on to become the chair of the department of psychology, dean of the graduate school, and finally, provost. Author of two books ‘Degrees and Pedigrees: The Education of America’s Top Executives’ and ‘Coming to Grips With Higher Education,’ – following his retirement he became senior policy advisor to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon. In this conversation, Mike discusses the impact the pandemic has had on the sector, particularly the ongoing issue of access and affordability for first-generation and students of colour; explains why it’s so important for young people to get all the way through the College process – from the admissions, to receiving their credentials; and describes why there’s a public lack of confidence in higher education right now, and how its value mustn’t be forgotten.

April 15 2021

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